I'll be sending out personalised invites over the next couple of weeks, which will include a link to this blogsite. Now you've accessed the site, key things you need to know about the gig are:
Venue: Hallmark Hotel, 680 Purley Way, Croydon, CR9 4LT
Guests: I'm inviting a broad selection of friends and family, near and far, old and new...expect to see familiar faces
Theme: Forget 50 shades of grey...this will be about 50 years of colour and great sounds...get ready to let what hair you have down and have a great time...
Style: Knowing all of you, I think we'll be on for a great night...think Brannigans, think "eating, dancing and cavorting", helped by an ample amount of drinking
Dress code: Party gear...anything goes
Start time: 19:30 (remember...the early bird catches the worm)
Finish time: The scheduled finish is 1:00am... (but that won't stop some of you...)